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Coastal areas are of high importance as more of 50 % of the worlds population are living within approxiamtely 100 km of the shoreline. An important part of the economy is located in this areas which creates a high pressure on the coastal and marine ecosystems. With the increasing environmental problems due to the human activities (e.g. climate change, littering of the oceans and excessive land consumption) monitoring of the coastal areas and of the coastline is mandatory. The sea-level rise will lead to increased erosion processes waekening the protection of storm floods needs a frequent monitoring of the whole coastline. In addition, there is the erosion of beaches, which can be caused by shipping, deepening of the fairway, sand mining or other construction works. The understanding of this processes and the mapping of caostlines and their changes is supported by Copernicus data. A coastal zone dataset is provided by the Land Monitoring Service.